One of the key components of Jesus’ ministry was sharing meals with people. We see the dining room table as an essential part of our community as we do life together. We gather around food, in and out of our homes, as a way of creating community that is not just centered around a Sunday gathering. We want to be inviting people into our homes and around our dining room table as a way of inviting them into intimate parts of our life. This is one of the ways we seek to imitate the way Jesus did life with people.


We are worshippers created to worship. We bring our praise, celebrations, laments, and honest hearts to God. To listen, to cry out, to prophesy. The very God who created everything - longs, thirsts, aches for relationship with each and every one of us. Though our words and songs will never fully capture the greatness of God, our praise and adoration connects the deepest parts of our being back to him. Luke 19 declares, if we didn't speak his praise, even the rocks would cry his name. Furthermore, John reminds us in Revelation 5:11-14 Worship will last for all eternity. We exist to join the eternal cry of creation together.


We encourage our community to be praying always- whether out loud or quietly in your head, whether with a group of people or in private with God our Father, whether thanking God for the countless blessings we receive and his grace, or interceding on behalf of others. We want to include God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit in everything we do, through joy and sorrow, excitement and grief in all things we pray. Even in silence we pray.
We are aware of the many different forms prayer can take on and we want to passionately involve our community with every kind of prayer possible as we learn daily what it means to seek the Kingdom of God in all things.


Storytelling is as old as humankind. Early cave drawings account for this narrative of life. The Bible is the story of God as seen in the stories of men and women alike. Jesus was the master storyteller. The scripture calls us to go and tell what the Lord has done-go and be story tellers. We each have a story to tell. That is our cry.

To bring the gospel to the four corners of the globe, to grow and develop leaders, and create new Jesus communities, planting churches into the shadow lands of our world.